Medical Assistant Schools in Chicago
(found 9 schools)


The bustling Midwestern metropolis of Chicago can be a great home for new and aspiring medical assistants. There are over 2.7 million people living in Chicago, all of whom may pursue medical care throughout their lives.

When you start working as a medical assistant, there are many Chicago employers you could potentially work for. Chicago is home to some of the largest hospitals in Illinois, including Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Rush University Medical Center, and the University of Chicago Medical Center.

Before you can get started in your career, you have to complete a rigorous curriculum of medical assisting courses. Chicago has many accredited technical and community colleges within its borders, offering many educational options. Check out our list of MA schools in Chicago and contact any schools that you are interested in attending!

The Chicago Transit Authority is designed to get you to and from school, work, or home whenever you need their services. With a variety of bus and train schedules, you can travel all over Chicago for a fraction of the cost. This means that you don’t have to select a school just because it is close to you. Instead, you can choose the Chicago school that best fits your schedule and career goals.

Medical Assistant Education in Chicago

One of the main benefits of living in a large city like Chicago is your access to high-quality educational programs. Many technical and community colleges in the area offer MA programs. You can either earn a certificate/diploma in two semesters or an Associate’s degree in four semesters. Tuition varies between schools, so it’s important to look into tuition and financial aid before choosing a school. For example, at the City Colleges of Chicago, tuition is $89 per credit for Chicago residents, $202.01 per credit for other Illinois students, and $249.71 for non-Illinois residents.

During your time as a student, you can plan on learning about the theory, background, and hands-on skills of medical assisting. To this end, you take courses like Basic Life Support, Health Care Concepts, Phlebotomy, and Pharmacology. You can also plan on getting a good amount of hands-on experience. Your courses may take you into local clinics and hospitals, or you may practice certain skills on fellow students. At the end of your program, you’ll likely complete a semester-long practicum in a local healthcare setting.

Not only do your courses prepare you for your future work in the field, they also give you the knowledge base you need to become a Certified Medical Assistant. Becoming certified can help you find more competitive jobs or earn a higher salary. All testing and licensure at this level goes through the American Association of Medical Assistants.

Career Outlook for Medical Assistant Graduates in Chicago

Once you have completed your medical assistant program, it’s time to find a job as a medical assistant or medical records technician. You may find job listings at many different places, including community clinics, hospitals, and private clinics.

If you want to become a medical assistant, you are in good company. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that Chicago has the fourth-highest employment level of medical assistants in the country, with 14,880 MA’s working in the Chicago metro as of 2015.

The skills you gain in a medical assistant program can also help you begin your career as a medical assistant. Medical assistants in this area earn an average annual salary of $32,980 per year (BLS, 2015), making it a solid choice for employment in the medical field.

As a newly-minted MA, you may want to start your career by joining the Illinois Society of Medical Assistants. This group aims to further the cause of medicals assistants in Illinois by offering professional development opportunities, advocating with legislators, and helping members build a strong network of contacts.

Salary numbers provided are from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.