Medical Assistant Schools in Colorado Springs
If you’ve ever been to the doctor, you already know how important medical assistants (MAs) are. MAs are responsible for checking in patients, collecting a thorough patient history, and performing basic parts of the medical exam like taking blood pressure, height and weight. All of these tasks help doctors and nurses save time, which in turn helps patients get the care they need in a safe and efficient way.

If you are ready to learn how to become a medical assistant in Colorado Springs, you can choose from several different types of programs. There are medical assistant schools in Colorado that offer clinical, administrative, dental, nursing, surgical and patient care medical assistant programs. You can find them listed below, where you can click on the schools you are interested to request program materials.
Starting your career as a MA in a large city like Colorado Springs can give you access to high-quality schools and employers. The U.S. Census Bureau notes that there are over 439,000 people living in Colorado Springs, most of whom likely receive regular medical care. Your services can help people at hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes, and can provide you with a sense of purpose and satisfaction in your career.
Medical Assistant Schools in Colorado Springs
You may find quite a few schools that offer medical assistant training in Colorado Springs. In your search, you may come across technical schools, community colleges, and hospital-based programs. As you learn more about how to become a medical assistant, you will notice there are several types of medical assistants, as well as a broad range of settings where you might work after you’re done with your schooling.
After you complete your training and start your career, there may be a wide range of employers to choose from. Colorado Springs is home to a lot of well-known medical institutions, many of which hire medical assistants. Some of the state’s largest medical employers include Marathon Health, Take Care Health System, HealthSouth, and MGA Home Healthcare.
In general, salaries in Colorado Springs are fairly similar to the national average. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (2016) indicates that the average salary for a medical assistant in this area is $32,660
per year.
Transportation and Networking in Colorado Springs
Public transit is an easy way to save money on your education and enjoy a little bit of extra study time! The city of Colorado Springs offers transit service all over the metropolitan area. This may allow you to explore a greater range of school options and internship locations, since you can easily travel all over the city.
While attending medical assistant schools in Colorado, you can also look into networking opportunities. The Colorado Society of Medical Assistants is a significant source of support for medical assistants and medical assisting students throughout the state. As a member, you can go to an annual education seminar, network with others in the field, and learn about new job opportunities in your area. As a student, you may even be able to find an internship or externship opening.
Upon getting accepted to a medical assisting program in Colorado Springs, you may want to start applying for scholarships. The Colorado Rural Health Center has many scholarships for health care students, as well as loan repayment options for those who agree to work in a rural area. You may also qualify for a scholarship from the Colorado Public Health Association. The John R. Moran Jr. Health Scholarship is awarded by the Colorado Trust.
Attending a Medical Assistant Program in Colorado Springs
Medical assistant programs in Colorado Springs can offer an exciting, multi-faceted education to students. You will likely spend between one and two years in school; diploma and certificate programs in Colorado generally last about one year, while Associate’s degree programs are closer to two years in length.
You will learn how to perform many basic tasks and procedures in medical assisting school. On the administrative side, you may learn how to process patient information, bill information, code for different procedures, and protect personal patient data. On the medical side, you may learn how to check vitals, collect blood samples, assist doctors in different procedures, and communicate with patients in the exam room.
To meet these goals, you may take many different courses. Commonly required courses in medical assistant schools in Colorado Springs include Lab Procedures, Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology, and Medical Ethics. Clinical experience is a prominent part of your education, so you may get out of the classroom to go to local nursing homes and clinics. To find out how to become a Medical Assistant in CO, you can click the links to schools on this page and request more information about admissions, curriculum and graduation.
Salary numbers provided are from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.