Medical Assistant Schools in Phoenix
The city of Phoenix, Arizona, may have many educational and career opportunities for you if you aspire to become a medical assistant. The city is home to over 1.4 million people, many of whom come into contact with medical assistants in the city’s hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities. This city is known for its ethnically diverse population, so there’s a great need for medical assistants that can provide culturally-competent care.
Get started by looking at all the different medical assistant programs in Phoenix, AZ. Your search may turn up many different programs at local two-year colleges, or you may find an Associate’s degree program that can provide you training. Once you’ve had a chance to look over schools and programs, submit a request for information to those you are interested in learning more about.

Schools and Jobs in Phoenix
You may be curious about what type of job you can earn after becoming a medical assistant. Any place that hires nurses, nurse practitioners, and doctors may also hire medical assistants to help reduce the overall workload. Employers in Phoenix include Arizona Center for Hand Surgery, Concentric Healthcare Solutions, Guerra Plastic Surgery Center, and BrightStar Care.
Because of the many employers located throughout the state, it should come as no surprise that the job outlook in Arizona is sunny. O*Net expects job openings for Arizona MAs to increase 11 percent faster than the national average, leading to a 40 percent increase between 2010 and 2020.
There are close to 10,000 medical assistants in Phoenix, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average salary for an MA in this area is $33,990
per year (BLS, 2016).
To take advantage of all of these benefits, you have to complete a medical assisting program. There may be many options for you in Phoenix, depending on whether you want to complete a one-year or two-year program.
Transportation and Networking in Arizona
Transportation is a crucial part of your education, as you may be expected to travel between school and various clinical sites. You may be able to save money by using Phoenix public transit. They offer bus service all over the city and the Phoenix metropolitan area.
While there is no society or organization for medical assistants in Arizona, the American Association of Medical Assistants notes that their Arizona state chapter is active. You may be able to find out about job openings, continuing education opportunities, and legislative changes that impact your career.
The St. Luke’s Medical Center Service League Scholarship Program awards scholarships to students in health care programs. Last year, they funded over $85,000 in scholarships.
Getting a Medical Assistant Degree
As you consider different medical schools in Phoenix, you should choose the program that best suits your schedule and goals. Many schools offer certificate programs and Associate’s degree programs. A certificate generally requires two semesters of study, while an Associate’s degree may need four to five semesters.
These degrees cover many of the same skills. In early classes, you may learn CPR and basic clinical skills. Courses that focus on patient care include Administration of Medications for the Medical Assistant, Clinical Skills for the Medical Assistant, and Clinical Experience Practicum. When attending a Phoenix college, medical assisting practical experience may be a core part of your curriculum.
Several courses in your curriculum may help you build a solid base of medical understanding. These classes include Disease Process, Advanced Medical Terminology, and Pathophysiology. After taking these courses, you may be able to understand the language and terms used by other medical professionals.
Many schools include administrative skills as part of the medical assisting curriculum. This can make you a more valuable asset to future employers, as your curriculum may prepare you to work in the exam room, spend some time at the front desk, and file insurance paperwork.
To learn more about your options for study, contact the medical assistant schools you are interested in and request information about programs.
Salary numbers provided are from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.