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Dental Assistant Programs in Ohio

How can you start a rewarding career while giving back to your community? If you work well in medical settings, you put people at ease, and you have an eye for detail, dental assisting may be the career path for you.

Dentists all over Ohio rely on dental assistants to perform basic daily functions, run the administrative side of the office, and build trust with patients. Depending on which school you choose, you may be able to get licensed in one year or less.

Learn more about your options now by getting in touch with Ohio dental assistant schools.

Dental Assistant Schools in Ohio

At community colleges and technical schools, you may have the chance to earn a certificate, diploma, or Associate’s degree in dental assisting. Some schools allow you to graduate in as little as one year, while other programs last for two full years. You may also consider standalone dental assisting schools. Some of these options have evening and weekend courses that are designed for working adults.

To become a qualified dental assistant, you need a combination of practical experience and classroom time. Dental assistant training in Ohio should let you work with dozens of patients by the time you graduate. Preferably, these students should come from different age groups, backgrounds, and dental habits. This diverse experience can help you adjust your techniques to meet each patient’s needs when you begin working.

Ohio Dental School Courses

  • Dental Assisting Techniques
  • Dental Assisting Radiography
  • Dental Terminology
  • Dental Assisting Materials
  • Dental Assisting Specialties
  • Anatomy and Physiology

If you attend an accredited school, you may qualify for a range of scholarship and grant options. Federal grants are a viable option for those who demonstrate financial need, and some schools award scholarships to students with strong academic performance or financial need. Through the American Dental Association Foundation, you can apply for dental scholarships each year.

Working as a Dental Assistant in Ohio

As an entry-level professional, your dental assisting salary depends on which part of Ohio you live in and which type of dental clinic you work in. As you gain experience, become certified, and complete continuing education courses, your earning potential may increase.

On average, Ohio dental assistants earn $36,630 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). O*Net predicts a 17% increase in dental assisting job openings by the year 2024 (2016).

Licensing is regulated by the Ohio State Dental Board. They allow you to pursue certification in one of two ways. You can become a Certified Dental Assistant through the Dental Assisting National Board. You can become a Certified Ohio Dental Assistant by taking a test administered by the Ohio Commission on Dental Assistant Certification.

The need for healthcare and dental care is growing in Ohio, so why not use this time to start a career in the healthcare industry?

Find the right dental assistant school in Ohio for you by contacting schools today.